Monthly Archives: September 2008

Slight Change of Plans…

Well, I knew I was having Achilles issues before running the Philly Distance Run, so I took 3 days off before the race. However, I gave the race a decent effort so it should come as no surprise that I … Continue reading

Posted in Running Injuries | 8 Comments

Philadelphia Distance Run

The Expo: I hit the expo on Saturday to pick up my race number. I always go to these things with a wad of cash hoping to pick up some good running paraphernalia. I had three items of interest in … Continue reading

Posted in Race Reports | 11 Comments

Sunday Sucky Sunday

I was among the unfortunate population of northeastern Fall marathoners that had a 20 mile run scheduled for this past Sunday. My first 20 miler of this cycle was two weeks ago, and I felt like I could probably have … Continue reading

Posted in Long Runs | 13 Comments

Sunday 20 Miler

Between all the wife’s racing this weekend I was still actually training for a marathon. Sunday was the first of five 20 mile runs in my training program. So I set the alarm and hit the road around 5:30am Sunday … Continue reading

Posted in Long Runs | 10 Comments

I’ve Created a Monster

Yeah, that Mrs. Progman, 2 days after her racing debut, knocking 3 1/2 minutes off of her finish time. The determined look, the high finishing kick, the joy of smoking the dude in the blue behind her – I would … Continue reading

Posted in Mrs. Progman | 9 Comments