Monthly Archives: November 2009
2009 Philadelphia Marathon
Today broke the streak of crappy weather marathons for me. The weather couldn’t have been better for this year’s Philadelphia Marathon. Last year the weather was 22 degrees at the start. This year it was a balmy 44 degrees and … Continue reading
NYC Marathon Lottery
I entered the 2010 NYC Marathon Lottery this morning. This will be my third year in a row entering the lottery so if I get turned down I am guaranteed entry into the race for 2011. This year the NYRRC … Continue reading
Philadelphia Taper Time
The Philadelphia Marathon is a mere 12 days away. I have been more or less indifferent to this marathon. Life has been really crazy for the last couple of months so I have not spent a lot of time obsessing … Continue reading
Neon Brooks Boy
So a couple of weeks ago I snagged a Brooks Nightlife hat on eBay to replace my ugly yellow RoadRunnerSports hat. In an instant twist of Karma, right after that I saw the Brooks Nightlife half zip on sale at … Continue reading