Category Archives: The Kids

Born to Run 5 Mile Race

What better way to follow up Thanksgiving than to run a road race? Today was my chance to play spectator and watch Mrs. Progman tear up the road in the Freehold Area Running Club’s annual Born to Run 5 mile … Continue reading

Posted in Mrs. Progman, The Kids | 9 Comments

Saturday in the Park 5k!

Wow, what a beautiful day for a race (sarcasm, it poured a couple of hours before the start which provided a muddy course and humid conditions). Mrs. Progman was fired up and not intimidated in the least by the elements. … Continue reading

Posted in Mrs. Progman, The Kids | 8 Comments

Have Some Lemonade!

What’s this? A blog entry not related to running or tennis? My philanthropic wife and children hosted a lemonade stand/toy sale Saturday to benefit the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center. For anyone interested doing this type of thing, the Sunkist … Continue reading

Posted in The Kids | 2 Comments

Time to get the running shoes back on

The Henry Hudson Trail, my old friend & nemesis. I forgot how much I missed it while I was traipsing all over the Magic Kingdom for the past week. It’s great to get back on the HH this time of … Continue reading

Posted in The Kids | 2 Comments

No Marathon training this week…

This is the first trip to Disney for these two, and the first time I’ve been here in 20 years (wow I’m old). So training this week will be limited to walking the expanse of the Disney empire. I will … Continue reading

Posted in The Kids | 1 Comment

On the Road Again…

The rule of thumb I have read over and over is you should take one day of rest for every one mile you’ve raced, which means that I should be resting for close to a month. As anyone who has … Continue reading

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The 12th Annual New Jersey Marathon

Saturday at the marathon expo was COLD and WINDY and RAINY – which did not bode well for race day. My kids still ran like champs at the kid’s races, but every weather report from every media outlet called for … Continue reading

Posted in Fellow Runners, NJ Marathon 2008, Race Reports, The Kids | 1 Comment

03-23-08 (Week 12)

This was a cut back week, which was more than welcome after running 20 miles last Sunday which brought on some more aches & pains. The highlight of the week was volunteering at Sgt. Pat’s 5k on Saturday, a race … Continue reading

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